Best AI Sex Chat Sites

Category Description!

    What is an AI sex chat site?
    Well, it’s a lot like a regular sex chat site, only the women on these platforms are actually willing to give you the time of day.

    Chat bots and girlfriend simulators are nothing new, as a lot of the weeaboos in the audience will be sure to mention, and I’ve reviewed a fair number of them over. They’ve always been pretty deep-niche entertainment, though, for reasons ranging from their nerdy target demographics to the canned responses. Now that these things are infused with artificial intelligence, they’re smarter, more versatile, and feel a hell of a lot more like talking to a real live human woman than the older games and simulations.

    The AI sex chat apps and girlfriend simulators you’ll find on this list have a wealth of features that’ll have you feeling like a world-class lothario in no time flat. Create your new waifu from scratch like a sexy Mr. Potato Head, choosing her physical features and personality, and then slide into those DMs. You can even put the moves on a lovely anime lady if realistic broads ain’t your type. So, what do you look for in a woman?

    Are AI sex chat sites safe and private?
    Certain features are often public, especially if you’re using the free trial versions of these AI chat apps; AI-generated babes sometimes end up in a public gallery unless you’ve opted to keep them out of it. That said, your private conversations are between you and your synthetic lovers alone. At the end of the day, these sites are aimed at adults doing adult stuff in the privacy of their own homes and the occasional public restroom. These platforms would be shooting themselves in the dicks and losing all their customers if they just left all their dirty laundry out in the open.

    Do AI sex chat sites store or share my conversations?
    As I just explained, they certainly ain’t sharing your conversations because they want you to keep coming back and talking dirty with their AI chat bots. Conversations are typically saved in your private profile, though, which makes it easy to jump in and out of conversations whenever you’ve got some extra time and an aching boner. If you end up with a tinge of paranoia, for whatever reason, these platforms will typically let you trash a conversation or even a whole AI character with just a couple clicks of the mouse or a few taps of your finger.

    Can I create my own virtual AI girlfriend?
    Fuck yeah! While you can jump right in and start chatting with a pre-made AI girlfriend, creating your own is a major part of the appeal. You’ll start with the visuals, like you would on a typical AI porn generator, selecting the features you want from a menu or typing a description into a box. Next, you’ll run through a similar set of options for crafting her personality and interests, which will shape the way your conversations play out. Many of these platforms include voice chat options, so you can even choose the voice you want her to talk dirty in.

    How realistic is the AI sex chat experience?
    My dudes, if you haven’t tried it yet, it’s probably going to blow your mind. Thanks to artificial intelligence, these sex chat bots are way more realistic than any chat app or relationship simulator I’ve tested over the years. For real, there’s barely any comparison to the older formats; these AI chicks are so realistic they’d probably fool you if you didn’t know any better.

    And the wildest part is that we’re still in the very early days of AI sex chats. When the dust settles, 2023 will be remembered as the year AI really came into prominence. As amazing as these bots and simulators are, they’re getting better by the day. If you ain’t impressed now, well, try again next month!

    Can AI understand and respond to personal fantasies and kinks?
    If you ask me, personal fantasies and kinks are one of the places where these AI girlfriends really shine. Earlier, non-AI chat bots and relationship simulators were pretty damn vanilla as a matter of necessity, since the programmers just couldn’t account for every fetish or preferred sex act under the sun. There have always been sex games aimed at kinkier pervs, sure, but they’ve lacked the versatility you can achieve with artificial intelligence. These synthetic lovers, dominatrixes and submissive waifus can learn exactly what you’re into and respond appropriately, so you won’t end up begging in vain for some freaky shit she doesn’t even understand.

    How do AI sex chat sites differ from other online adult chat platforms?
    That’s kind of a tricky question. You could argue that all of the current AI chat bots and girlfriend simulators are modeled after the older platforms, as they’ve always tried to appeal to the same basic human needs and desires. For my money, the bigger differences are with respect their versatility and their realism. Earlier chat bots stuck to a script, but with AI, there’s so much more room for these bots to improvise and say nasty shit that’s going to appeal to your specific inner pervert.

    It ain’t just the chitchat that’s realistic, either. The visuals are fucking astounding, too, whether you’re generating custom hentai waifus or photorealistic bimbos next door. You can generate dirty photos while you’re having a conversation, increasing the immersion with every nude selfie or titwank pic. More and more of these platforms are adding voice message features, too, so you can even hear your artificial wife whispering your secret boner-triggering words. Just how long will it be before these AI chicks can straight-up suck your dick, too?

    Are there fees or subscriptions required to access certain features?
    If I have any bad news for you at all, it’s just that AI is pretty demanding as far as resources go. It’s easy enough to fund a free tube with banner ads and pop-ups, but the usual ads ain’t going to pay the bills for AI chat bots or image generators. Prices for the sites below usually start at around ten bucks a month, with bigger packages available if you need more dirty talk and naughty pics.

    Most of these sites will let you take a free test drive, though. Freebies are usually limited to a handful of messages and images, but they give you enough to see just how hot, immersive and realistic their platforms can get. Even if you’re just curious and have no intention of putting any quarters in the slot, I recommend taking advantage of those freebies wherever possible. Who knows—maybe you’ll end up quitting Tinder for good!

    Take this list, for example. The sites below may be driven by artificial intelligence, but they’ve been ranked and reviewed by a real person who knows a thing or two about jacking off. Keep this page bookmarked and you’ll never be more than a click away from the most realistic AI girlfriends on the internet